Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lessons from the Rose Garden
      It's rose pruning time in Baytown...the marker is Valentine's Day.  Today was sunny with a cool breeze.  Couldn't ask for nice weather to be in the garden.  As I trimmed the tea roses, I found myself considering the ways that God prunes us.  The rose pruning rules are:  cut away dead branches, crossed branches, and anything small than a pencil.  Seems like God uses those rules, too.  When we have an unproductive area of our lives, he cuts it away.  Sometimes small rose branches appear to have good buds, but if left on the bush they produce weak roses.  Some areas of our lives prevent us from being really fruitful, even if they appear to be doing good work.  They are not God's will for our lives, no matter how good the ministry.  He has another purpose for us.  And then there are those areas that tire us out and are at crossed purposes for our lives.  God wants us to bloom for Him!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

California memories

We returned very late on Thursday to a soggy, flooding Texas. It made me miss California all the more! After spending 4 days in Cambria at my brother's lovely new "beach house," we returned to Bakersfield where I was able to reconnect with several very dear friends. There's something about passing time with people who have known you for most of your life and who understand more about you than you understand about yourself. Take my 92-year-young piano teacher and friend. She has such a deep understanding of life and of what's important. I continue to learn from her, as I did for many years in her music room. What a blessing!
My Santa Barbara friend has such a wealth of knowledge and shares with us freely. Thanks.
After 45 years, I still keep in contact with my high school counselor and enjoy visiting with her.

My college friend (from over 40 years ago) and I still connect in ways that I can't explain. Being with her is like being home. We can share so much over a cup of coffee, it's like time has stood still.
I'm ever grateful for these friends! They have made my life so much richer.

I was blessed to attend a gathering for my brother's milestone birthday. Birthdays are a time to let others know how much they mean in our lives, and how much we appreciate them. Dave, you're the best! Thanks to you and Cindy for giving us a week of your precious time! I love you guys!

Going home to California was a resting place for my soul. Makes me anticipate Heaven all the more, when I'll really be home.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Our own strength

I woke up this morning, and prayed for God's strength and wisdom for the day. It's Martin Luther King day, and we're out of school, so the day appears wide open. Without warning, the words to a later verse of "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" ran through my mind. The verse reads:

Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing; were not the right man on our side; a Man of God's own choosing. Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus it is He! Lord Saboath His name; From age to age the same, and he must win the battle.

I must confess to doing so many things in my own strength. No wonder I sometimes feel lost!

The battle is the Lord's! Forgive me, Lord. God must have wanted to remind me that today is His, not mine.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wonders of the Season

As Christmas approaches, it's easy to get caught up in the parties, eating, shopping, eating, etc. We had a lovely brunch this morning for my Sunday school class. 19 ladies came, and did we ever have fun, and enjoy tasty morsels. About an hour later, Danny, Jessica, and Katelyn came to spend the afternoon. We visited El Toro for lunch and enjoyed fajitas. (Katelyn only eyed them! Next year you can taste some of the treats!) Katelyn has looked at me suspiciously since Danny and Jess left her at our house for many hours while they shot a wedding Galveston. Today, she finally let me hold her without crying. That thrills this old gran no end! Tomorrow we sing and ring for our Christmas program. Singing about Jesus's birth is a highlight of the season. He's the reason we celebrate. Let's not forget!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks be to God

The turkey is packed away, and the pineapple casserole is consumed. This Thanksgiving Day is a day to remember. All six kids and Katelyn made the day very special indeed. After preparing the warm custard apple pie, and the cranberry orange salad and cornbread yesterday, I rose this morning to bake Mother Earth bread,
cornbread dressing, and get the ham ready to go.
Joel Orr, Katy's wonderful husband, smoked the turkey this year. It was super! David and Julie made a memorable pumpkin cheesecake (the spices are in the!), green bean casserole and praline yams. Danny brought his camera and prepared to take pictures after dinner. The family picture is a good one, I think. Katelyn still looked worried every time she looked at me, and cried when I took her. She's still remembering the traumatic day a couple of weeks ago when Jess and Danny left her here (by herself, sob) for about eleven hours. She felt abandoned, I guess, because she just wasn't happy. Here she was again at the place. She just wasn't sure! I hope soon she won't feel threatened by me. I love her so much!
David and Julie are thinking of the name Matthew for their little boy. I know he will add much love to our family, too.
Tonight, as the only one up, I'm able to sit and thank God for a wonderful family.
" You are my God and I will give you thanks; you are my God and I will exalt You. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!" Psalm 118: 28-29

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Today we were privileged to go to Riverpointe Church with Danny and Jessica for Katelyn's dedication. The church dedicated several beautiful babies today. There were pictures of each baby behind the group. Katelyn was a real lady. She even wore the dress that I smocked for her...she's almost grown into it. Only David was missing from our family today...he had to work.

Joel and Katy, Julie, and Jessica's parents, Lee and Joseph were all present for this blessed occasion. Following the main event, we enjoyed a scrumptious brunch at the Marriott. Only then did Katelyn finally have enough. Can't blame her. She had been passed around, played with and admired for one minute too many. It was time for a nap!

I am so thankful that God has seen fit to add to our family. Katelyn is a blessing, and our new little boy next spring will be an added blessing.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. " Psalm 127:3

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Katelyn's school visit

Danny and Jessica brought Katelyn to Alamo School today. It was a delight to show her to so many of my school friends. She was on her best behavior, too. That was a special treat for me. My only disappointment was that I had to go teach a class, and I couldn't spend more time with her. It is a lot of work to get a baby ready to go visit. I surely did appreciate it!!
I love you guys!!